May 8

Weights you should buy to start building your home gym.


What Weights Should You Buy?

With all the gyms closed, a lot of us are working out at home and you might not have any gym equipment at your house, therefore you might be wondering what type of weights you should buy.

It’s recommended you get two sets of weights to start off with, something light, and something a little bit heavier.

For instance, I have a set of five pound weights, so they’re not too heavy for my shoulders if, for example, I’m doing a scaption exercise.

Then I have another set, a little bit heavier, 10 pound weights. You can start with 10 pounders and get another set of 15 pounders.

These two sets of weights were fairly inexpensive and make a great starter for working out at home, getting some equipment going.

Once you get used to those weights, you can just purchase the next set up, so the two sets of weights are a good place to start.

Just A Pair Of Dumbbells?

Another good thing to have is a set of resistance bands. You can just buy one. You can stand on this to do your curls, sit down, do some rows.

It also comes with a doorstop so you can hang it up in the corner of your door and do some lat pulls, and some good core exercises.

Keep It Simple

So that is it for starting off to get your home gym going.

That’s all you need, you know, cause you have a lot of exercises that you can do with just your own body weight and then add a little bit of resistance to a few different exercises, and that’s it, that’s all you really need to get started, keep it simple.

Take care,


Shop Gear On Amazon:

– Dumbbell Set With Rack –

– Coated Dumbbell Weights –

– Resistance Bands –



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